ChinaMed Director Enrico Fardella authored an academic article titled "When history rhymes: China’s relations with Russia and the war in Ukraine" for Asia Maior, a yearly English-language journal on Asian contemporary affairs. This article, discussing the recent evolution of Russo-Chinese relations, was published in the 34th edition of Asia Maior, titled Asia in 2023: Navigating the US-China rivalry.
The article aims to analyze "the evolution of China’s most recent «pro-Russian neutrality» as Beijing’s attempt to detach itself from Moscow’s military adventurism while maintaining its strategic anti-hegemonic alignment with Moscow" as well as "the rationale of China’s revision of its «unlimited partnership» on the basis of Beijing’s historical experience with Russia". The goal of the article is to provide "a useful conceptual toolkit to foresee the future evolution of Sino-Russian relations."
The article is available in open access at the following link: